Why Crowdfund From Africans In Diaspora?

African Diaspora Is Critical
To African Economic Development.

In general, members of the diaspora have more education, significantly higher incomes, and larger amounts of money in banks outside Africa than their counterparts in Africa. Many have important skills and experiences that could fill capacity gaps in the continent if appropriate engagement modalities were in place.

Why Is It Critical To Engage The Diaspora?

Source of Value-Rich Capital
In addition to financial capital, Africans in Diaspora can provide access to developed markets, access to more efficient technology, and improved business practices. They can also provide skills training, networking, and mentoring, and skilled human capital in the form of advisors and evangelists to outside markets.
Source of More Stable Funding
Because diaspora investors have some degree of cultural affinities and market knowledge, they are less averse to the risk associated with both political and economic shocks than foreign investors. They are more likely to invest and less likely to pull out in the face of unfavorable political or economic conditions.
Source of Less Costly And Less-Risky Capital
Diaspora investors are already familiar with the local environment, which helps reduce transaction costs of new entry and building new partnerships. Also, their local social connection and networks are good enablers of trust and contract enforcement.

Diaspora Investment Capacity Can Replace Foreign Investments in Africa.

How We Solve Problems
Associated With Crowd Funding In Africa

Safety, Commitment & Trust

Each potential investor is vetted, validated, and goes through a selection process to ensure that only investors with the highest level of commitment are presented to fundraisers.

Inefficient local credit markets

The informality of entrepreneurs’ financial assets and drains on wealth creation make African entrepreneurs less attractive to financial institutions for giving loans. We provide an alternative source for funding.

Access to global markets

Diaspora funding provides qualified access to the world economy; therefore, infusing trust and anchoring African business to markets in developed or global markets.

Lack of Consistent Regulation

We empower African innovators to access crowdfunding despite the lagging regulations. We also remove the complications of dealing with a multitude of small investors typical of crowdfunding.

So Why Not?

African innovators can change billions of lives in Africa forever. AfriCrowd opens up access to critical resources.